Database of professional wedding vendors.


A wedding day is the result of the smooth cooperation between different vendors. These companies work on a subcontracting basis for your company and help realise the overall picture. In short, by hiring a colleague-vendor you can concentrate on your part of the job. Discover the specialised wedding vendors here.

Master of Ceremonies

Masters of ceremonies are real organizational talents and guarantee that the wedding day passes by very smoothly. They also act as a point of contact for guests and staff so that no one has to worry on the day itself. Whatever your job is for the bride and groom, hire a master of ceremonies to take on all these practical tasks!

First Class Ceremony

Heeft u hulp nodig van het alziend oog van een gastvrije ceremoniemeester voor een “First Class” ceremoniële begeleiding van u als bruidspaar, uw suiteleden en genodigden? Neem dan vrijblijvend contact op met First Class Ceremony en wie weet komt uw droom uit!

Lamont Ceremonie

Lamont Ceremonie, dat is trouwen in stijl!